Hulk Avengers Battle of New York Infinity Saga 1/10 Scale Statue By Iron Studios
Seeking to subdue Earth and become its only sovereign, Loki of Asgard, foster brother of prince Thor, joined forces with the titan conqueror Thanos through his servant known as “The Other”, that made available for the God of Mischief an army of the alien race called Chitauri, a sentient species of cybernetically enhanced beings that operate under a hive-mind intelligence, in exchange for the infinity gem known as Tesseract, a crystalline cube-shaped containment vessel for the Space Stone, that was under the protection of the Asgardians before, kept inside Odin’s Vault. Loki teleported himself to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters where he took control over the minds of Clint Barton, the Hawkeye, because of his fighting skills; and of scientist Erik Selvig, because of his Tesseract’s knowledge. Erik Selvig built a device installed at the Stark Tower, that together with the Tesseract stolen by Loki, opened a wormhole portal allowing his army of Chitauri and Leviathans to invade the city of New York. Called “The Incident” by the citizens, the Battle of New York is considered a monumental event in the history of humanity, that publicly confirmed the existence of extraterrestrial species for the people of Earth, where, for the first time, the Avengers stood together, ready to defend the planet.